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Take Time to Get Quiet and Clear About  Your Values and Vision

This retreat will provide the space and peace for you to tune into your deepest self and hear it's message more clearly. The time for personal reflection will allow you to return to your life refreshed and ready to walk the path that calls to you.


Find the Courage to
Honor What You Feel Called to Do


Experience the intensity of your own inner power to clear mental habits and energetic blocks so that you feel empowered to take action. When accessed through the tools we will share, your own inner power can cut through self-doubt, perfectionism, fear, self-judgment or any other limiting belief about what you can do in life.


 Confidently Choose Your Next Best Action Steps to Actualize Your Vision


The world needs you to manifest your highest potential. Doing this most powerfully requires not just any action but action grounded in your deepest self and core values. At this retreat, you will discover how to recognize and take action from this place of inner alighnment.


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 We Rise Together™ Men's Retreat
May 5-7 in Durham, NC
  • Get support to use your insights to take consistent, grounded action with confidence

  • Learn to deeply connect with your intuition and other powerful, fluid ways of knowing your truth

  • Feel empowered to trust your deep inner clarity about your path forward to a transformed life

Early Bird Rate expires April 7th!

Can't make it? Want to hear about the next one? Click Here to stay informed.

"Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice and, most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." ~ Steve Jobs

"My life had reached a very stagnant point. Nothing was turning me on. However, the breakthroughs I've made regarding my interests and passions have taken on a whole new dimension. I’ve pushed through blind spots with strong support and terrific actions. I find my life getting fuller!" ~ Drew G.

"This work is very exciting.  I feel like I am actually DOING things again.  I felt dormant for over 10 years, and finally feel like I’m LIVING again!  This is a methodical yet fluid approach that helps me know where I am headed.  This was the kick in the behind that I needed." ~ Billy S.

"Before being here, I felt really lost.  Now, I’ve opened up to what is possible in life.  The work is hard and demanding, and also rewarding. If you want to live a life full of joy and love, I highly recommend this experience." ~ Richard S.

Reviews from past programs:

Exploring the
Power of Intuition & Flow


Our world tends to think rational, will-driven action is the only way to get things done. But sometimes moving forward from a more fluid space can bring an exponential power to your actions. This approach relies on trust, surrender, inner integrity, collaboration, openness, and life-giving fierceness. Understanding this powerful way of being and doing in the world will sky rocket your ability to change your life and impact the world in positive ways.

Guided Process to Take You on this Powerful Journey


This shift to a more fluid paradigm integrating our reason with our deeper intuition is challenging. Its easy to fall back into limited, linear-only thinking and doing. A carefully designed sequence of embodied meditations, visioning, body scans, writing exercises, labyrinth walks, breathing techniques, as well as other cutting-edge tools will help you experience radical inner shifts and integrate this new way of being into your everyday life.

Support to Help Integrate Insights as You Return Home


You cannot change the world alone. You cannot actualize your vision alone. During the two weeks following the retreat, you will receive support through emails and a follow up phone session to help ensure the insights you've gained and techniques you've learned on the retreat get off on the right foot. This isn't just about you. We want to help the whole planet. We want to help your inspiration expand out into the world around you.


This is about you.
This is about honoring what has awoken in you.
This is about the impact that you are here to make in the world.
This isn't about male or female.
This is about Us, as a collective, embracing the new paradigm of the fluid and feminine power of flow and intuition, so we can all rise together.

Early Bird Rate expires April 9th!

Feminine power is on the rise and positioned to make a big impact on the world. Women are not the only ones with access to this power.  Just like the masculine, it is available to men and women alike.  Yes, it is unfamiliar and confusing, but it is also magical and oh so satisfying.
Come learn how to wield this power.

Jessica Sabatini


Jessica has been facilitating transformational workshops for over 20 years. As a coach, writer, and speaker, she works with people who desire to break out of past patterns and learn a more authentic way to do and be in their lives.  A student of neuroscience and metaphysics, Jessica brings a deep level of structure, encouragement, and intuition, specializing in helping integrate retreat insights once you emerge back to daily life. Down-to-earth, funny, fun, practical, and wise.

Meet Your Facilitators

Catherine Phillips


Catherine has a deep ability to see, articulate, and connect with the emerging paradigm for a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world. She brings a grounded, nonjudgmental presence that helps others live more deeply into their own authentic selves. Her humor, kindness, and courage helps people cut through inner clutter to find clarity and focus - unmasking you with love and empowering you to be who you truly are. She has over a decade of experience as a spiritual director, meditation leader, college instructor, facilitator, writer, and sustainable economies lawyer.

A rushing river is flowing all around you. You can feel it. You can feel that the way life moves on this planet is shifting. Surrender to the current and allow the momentum of this river to carry you forward.  Don't get left behind.
  • Peaceful, meditative setting surrounded by nature to allow you to reconnect with your authentic self.
  • Powerful, transformative connections created to help you actualize your deepest vision.

  • All lodging, meals, and materials provided to fully support you on your journey.

Can't make it? Want to hear about the next one? Click Here to stay informed.

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